
October 18, 2015
21st Sunday after Pentecost
Setting 10 — Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW)
  Gathering Music
  Greeting One Another & Announcements
*Confession and Forgiveness

P: Blessed be the holy Trinity, + one God, whose name is majestic in all the earth, who rescues and heals in every time of trouble, who does all things well.
C: Amen.

P: Steadfast and saving God,
C: have mercy on us. We confess to you all the ways we turn from you and harm one another. In your compassion, forgive our sins and heal our hurts. Bring forth from us a harvest of righteousness, the fruits of gentleness and peacemaking, the sheaves of wisdom and justice; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

P: In the name of + Jesus, the Son of God, receive mercy and find grace in your time of need. Your transgressions are forgiven; God’s love is healing balm for your wounds. Rejoice, for God raises you up to new life in Christ.
C: Amen.

*Opening Hymn #787
*Greeting (Pg 203)
*Kyrie (Pg 203)
*Canticle of Praise (Pg 204)
*Prayer of the Day: Sovereign God, you turn your greatness into goodness for all the peoples on earth. Shape us into willing servants of your kingdom and make us desire always and only your will, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
The Word:   First Reading: Isaiah 53:4-12
Psalm 91:9-16
Second Reading: Hebrews 5:1-10
*Gospel Acclamation (Pg. 205)
*Gospel: Mark 10:35-45
*Hymn of the Day: #712
*Prayers: Congregation responds “Hear our prayer”
*Offertory #692
*The Lord’s Prayer (Pg. 208)
*Final Blessing
*Closing Hymn: #768

P: Go in Peace. Serve the Lord.
C: Thanks be to God.

*Please stand as you are able.

Trinity practices open communion – all who believe the bread and wine are Jesus’ body and blood given and shed for the forgiveness of their sins are invited to communion with us.

MUSICIAN: Sunday: Rosemary Mohr
  Saturday: Rosemary Mohr
LITURGIST: Pastor Lisa Heffernan
DEACON: Jean Blackwell / Dianne Graves
HOSTS: October 18: Tounsley
  October 25: Confirmands
LECTOR: October 18: Tounsley
  October 25: Pastors
CANTOR: October 18:
  October 25: Choir
ALTAR CARE: Arlys Abernathy
CHURCH CLEANING: October 25: Meyerink
November 1: Menzie / Osterberg
November 8: Munkvold / S. Nelson
November 15: Normile / J. Peterson
November 22: Tonak / S. Peterson
OFFERING TELLER: Mary Brown / Karen Niles
September: $6,884.00 $9294.00 ($2,410.00)


  • Happy anniversary to Jon & Katherine Feltman on October 17th, from mom and dad
  • Happy birthday to Pastor Lisa on October 20th
  • Happy birthday to Colin Thompson on October 23rd, from Jeff & Stacey Tveit.
SATURDAY 10/17: 5:30 pm Worship with Communion
SUNDAY 10/18: 9:30 am Worship
WEDNESDAY 10/21: 5:30 pm Wowsome Wed. / Confirmation
7:00 pm Choir practice
THURSDAY 10/22: 6:30 pm Women’s Bible study at Trinity
SATURDAY 9/24: 5:30 pm Worship with Communion
SUNDAY 9/25: 9:30 am Worship with Communion


60TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: Next Sunday, we will be celebrating Trinity’s 60th anniversary. Six of Trinity’s former pastors will be helping lead worship and two of Trinity’s young people will be confirmed. Immediately following worship, there will be a program in the fellowship hall. It will include honoring our charter member, Vivian Cleland, and a time of memory sharing with the pastors. A luncheon will follow the program. Everyone is welcome to attend what will surely be a great day at Trinity!

REMEMBRANCE OF A SPECIAL SAINT Please fill out the gold form and put it in the offering plate, if you would like a loved one who has died in the last year to be remembered on All Saints Day.

ROCS They especially need pancake mix, syrup, crackers, and peanut butter. Your generosity is very much appreciated.

NOISY OFFERING We collected $51.98 in September for the Helen Keller International. October is Disability Awareness month, and we will be collecting for the ELCA Disability Ministries Campaign.

THANK YOU FROM ROSEMARY Thanks to everyone who had my family and me in your prayers with the recent passing of my mother, Ruth Boeke.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: All announcements may be sent to Pastor Lisa or to Trinity’s Secretary by Wednesday evening each week. Newsletter items may be sent to Ron Luurs by the 20th of each month.