“Continue in my word…”

As we prepare to have one of our youth affirm his baptismal promises, one brief line from our Gospel reading for this week (John 8:31-36) is rolling around in my head. That line is: “continue in my word”, where we find Jesus speaking to a group of Jewish people who had come to believe in him. In context, Jesus is speaking to them about a life of discipleship and freedom from sin. It is a reminder of the freedom to be found in Christ, and of the reality of sin in our lives. So, you may be asking why I think of this text in conjunction with our confirmation and Reformation weekend upon us? Well, confirmation (or affirmation of baptism) is often considered a part of a faith formation process for a young person where he or she affirms the promises their sponsors and parents made at their baptism. It’s kind of like saying, “yes, I want to continue in this covenant God made with me at my baptism. I’m ready to explore, in a new way, just what God is doing in my life as I grow into adulthood.” It’s a big thing to say and to affirm, and it’s even a harder promise to live by. To be honest, I don’t remember much about my confirmation program (sorry Pastor Andrea!!). But, I do remember the relationships that were formed and that I knew God was doing something in me when I said those words of affirmation at my own confirmation 13 years ago. Something was telling me that God was going to always be with me throughout my life. Telling me that I could respond to that never-failing presence and grace by continuing my study of God’s Word and figuring out what it meant to be a Lutheran Christian at different life stages. Really, to live as an imperfect, sometimes broken disciple, in relationship with the one who claimed me in baptism. As we go into this weekend of Reformation and Affirmation of Baptism, may we remember those relationships with one another that have been formative in our lives of faith. And may remember to encourage our young people to continue in God’s Word—to discern and see where God is acting in their lives— reminding them of, and showing them the love of God that will always surround them.