

Meals at 5:30 p.m. & Classes at 6:00 p.m.

Confrimation Classes-2021

We are so glad you’ve chosen to enter this Confirmation journey. We encourage students to participate in discussions, think, ask questions, share ideas, pray and serve others.

It is also essential that parents are involved in their student’s Confirmation experience. Parents are asked to encourage their son/daughter in working to complete the expectations, attend worship with their youth, and get to know their son/daughter’s class members.

Our goal this year is to help our youth grow in their love and faith in Jesus Christ and with the people in their lives. We have lots of opportunities planned to help this come together into a great year of friendships, faith and service. Thank you for making faith a priority in your home and schedules.

Confirmation is …

  • A three-year program and is for students in 7th, 8th, and 9th graders.
  • A time for youth to EXPLORE and GROW in the promises made to them on their baptism day. It concludes with youth making public affirmation of their faith in Jesus Christ.
  • A time for youth to CONNECT with peers and trusted adults in ways that support their wellbeing.
  • A time for youth to GROW in Christ, to learn about God’s love, and to encounter the Holy Spirit.
  • A time for youth to GIVE of themselves as God’s hands and feet in the world.

Requirements (7th, 8th, & 9th Graders)

  • Acolyte on assigned Sundays (at least 4 times)
  • Total of 12 worship notes per year (out of 64 services: Sundays, Christmas, Wednesday in Lent, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter)
  • Total of 10 service hours per year

Requirements (10th Graders)

  • Total 5 worship notes (June-October)
  • Meet with your mentor
  • Meet with Pastor Young
  • Complete your Faith Statement
  • Attend a My Faith Retreat

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Young.

Confrimation Collage-2021